Check Your Eligibility for IRA Home Energy Rebates | Focus on Energy

We help people unlock extraordinary energy savings.

We're committed to helping everyone afford a more sustainable and comfortable home. You may be eligible to receive rebates for energy efficiency upgrades and equipment. Unlock your full energy-saving potential today.

If you were previously income approved for HOMES you are automatically approved for HEAR. If you need a copy of your existing approval notification or need an update on your application status, please contact us at 800.762.7077.


See if you're eligible to participate.

Check if you're eligible for exclusive discounts, limited-time offers, and personalized deals tailored to your location by providing a few details below.

Attention landlords and renters

For renters of single-family dwelling units, the process slightly differs. First, tenants must verify their income eligibility. If the tenant is qualified, the landlord is responsible for initiating the work with an IRA Registered Contractor and assuming the associated costs. It's important to note that this process exclusively pertains to single-family rental dwellings. Multifamily buildings follow a different process. Please find an Energy Advisor in your area.
